The Editorial Board of The Story Garden gratefully acknowledges the participation of the writers whose work appears in this issue:

Gregory B. Banks

Though I've only been writing seriously for about three years now, I've been fortunate to have both poetry and short stories published in some very nice online ezines and newsletters, the most recent being the very first issue of The Story Garden. A poem of mine is about to appear in the third edition of the book "In Our Own Words," a poetry anthology by Generation X poets. This will mark my second appearance in this series (I also had a poem in the first edition).

WheelMan's Place - http://www.wheelmansplace.com/

Steve Frederick

Steve Frederick is a Nebraska writer. "Mortality Flats" is his second flash fiction piece published in The Story Garden.

Mark Kneeland

Mark Kneeland lives in New Hampshire. This is his first published poem.

Kathleen McCall

Kathleen McCall is a freelance technical writer living in Northern California. While most of her published work is found on lab benches, she also writes fiction, poetry, and humorous nonfiction.

A. Ray Norsworthy

Archie Ray Norsworthy lives in Oklahoma. He can be reached at arayn@swbell.net

E D I T O R I A L   B O A R D

Carolyn Steele Agosta

I've been writing fiction for three years and have 22 publication credits (including Independence Boulevard, City Primeval, Lonzie's Fried Chicken, Inscriptions and HotRead), plus one novel in search of a publisher and another underway. Although I've been involved in critiquing for a good while, TSG2 represents my first experience as an editor and I've found it a fascinating experience being on the other side of the publication fence. It will certainly make me look at my own submissions from a different view. I have found the other TSG2 editors to be a dedicated, interesting and outspoken bunch and I feel honored to be in their company. I can be reached at: cagosta@steelerubber.com

David Bulley

David Bulley is a prize winning writer with published credits in many regional and national magazines. He promises never to teach a creative writing class, anywhere, ever. Dave@Bulleys.com

Leslie Irish Evans

My work has appeared a few times in The Blue Review, as well as being a "Hot Seller" at HotRead.com. I am currently at work on my first novel.

I’ve been writing since I was five years old. I write because I have to - ignoring the urge only makes it stronger. I write fiction and poetry, with an occasional song jumping out when I least expect it.

This is my first foray into editing. It has been very interesting to live for a while on the "other side."

Caitlin James

The poem "burnt offering", published in the inaugural issue of The Story Garden, was my first submission in many years. Likewise, serving as a member of this Editorial Board has been an old experience made new
again. I write because I'm driven to create, but "hunt-and-peck" won't cut it on the guitar. I edit because I enjoy helping other writers connect with their readers.

Glenn Osborn

Although I've not yet attempted to publish any of my fiction, I've been writing professionally for business clients for more than 15 years. While still working as a freelancer, I've also developed a website design business. In that capacity, I have produced this and the previous issue of The Story Garden. Sometime during 2001 I will begin submitting my short stories for publication. I can be reached by email at gosborn@accesstoledo.com or on the web at http://www.HandsOnWebsites.com.

Jodi Lyn Turchin

Since I have not been on the editing side of the fence since 1987, working on TSG2 has been a great experience! When not agonizing over which wonderful pieces to publish, I can be found anxiously scribbling away on my own fiction and poetry. I am in the midst of a novel and also have several short stories in the works. My racier erotic work has been featured in Playgirl magazine.